We have tons of different spray's! Here are some of them and their meanings that may be helpful to you!
Sweet Dreams: Sweet dreams is a spray that helps if you have trouble sleeping. Eaither trouble falling asleep, or wakeing up in the middle of the night.
Creativity: Helps you be more peaceful and in control. This spray is great for studying for tests.
Contentment: Soothes and balences you if you are stressed or angry. It also make a nice relaxation day, a little bit better.
Rainbow: Be blessed with the magic of the rainbow! My mother and I made this together in a doubble rainbow!!
Fairy Magic: Bring fairies into your enviorment and bring happy energy!
Bliss: Bliss is higher than happiness and joy! It will make you in a really good mood! Try it! It's fun!
Playful: Playful is light and refreshing with the Zinna flower! If kids are stressed, this would be a good spray for you! It bring out your inner playfulness! Look at what I wrote on the home page about Playful and my experience!
There are many more to choose from! There is even a kit just for kids that already has everything you need in it! For more types of spray's and infomation visit www.Earthwindflowers.com.