Welcome to e-Lindsey.com, a little blossom of Earth Wind and Flowers. I just want to explain why I have this website. I am on a mission to help all of us kids. For example, school is so stressing right, well why is it so stressful to you. Is it the teachers, homework, the drama, or are you just getting bad grades? Well Earth Wind and Flowers Balancing Spray's are for you! Each spray helps a different cause. I once had a teacher who was really strict and grumpy, after I gave her a Playful spray, she wasen't as strict and grumpy anymore, infact she is kind of fun now! I also had to do a project once, but I really didn't want to do it, and I tried but I felt like I just couldn't, I sprayed Creativity and I finished in no time! It was suddenly as easy as pie!! I love to use my mom's spray's! They really work! Believe me! : )
~ Lindsey and Deborah